Gluten-Free Summer Camp Ohio

Gluten-Free Summer Camp

Camp Y-Noah (near Akron)

August 3-9, 2014

Cost  $455.00

Come join in the fun!
At the first year of Gluten Free Camp at Camp Y-Noah!
Registration and info at

From their website:
“We started this camp because our daughters have attended Gluten Free Camp at Camp Manitou-Lin in Michigan for past few years and they had a wonderful time (Thank You Greta and Nicole). Our only problem was the drive to get them there and the drive to bring them home; 10 hours round trip.

Through the years we had discussed how nice it would be for there to be a camp closer to home. Then we came across Camp Y-Noah.  The head of their food service is a celiac and they already provide gluten free options during regular Y camp and actually serve all gluten free food during their diabetic camp week. They were happy to help us start the first Ohio Gluten free Camp!

The children will be doing normal camp activities.  Some of the options they will have are, a 55 foot alpine tower, climbing a rock wall with zip line, high and low rope courses, canoeing , swimming, horseback riding, team building, camp fires, gaga ball, archery and crafts.  The cabins will be organized by Boy / Girl and age once we know who is attending.

We are planning on having visits from a pediatric gastroenterologist and a gluten free nutrition expert to have age appropriate conversations about why they are gluten free, what to pack for school lunches, what to eat when they are unexpectedly at a friend’s house and reading labels.

Deah and Nicole”

Lucky’s Market


Archived by Diane on 4/7/2020 -> closed.

IB shares about a market in the Columbus area:

They just opened a quaint market, well marked GF and reasonabled priced GF items.   It is called Lucky’s, is in Clintonville and will be the only store in Ohio.  They’re based in Colorado.

Bob Evans

Multiple Locations

MULTIPLE LOCATIONS in Greater Cleveland and Suburbs

Diane writes:

I had the pleasure of joining my family for breakfast at the new Bob Evans at Cedar Center (South Euclid) last week.  On arrival, I spoke with a manager who well understood my needs, addressing my concerns about kitchen cross contamination.  While they did not have a gluten free menu, the manager printed allergen information.  I ordered the basics, eggs and bacon, and he personally cooked my food and checked several times to make sure that everything was ok.

4/21/14 NOTE by Diane:  I have eaten here a number of times with great success. Bob Evans now has a gluten free menu.  There are multiple locations in the greater Cleveland area.

9/13/15 NOTE by Diane: There is no GF menu on their website.  I have not been into a restaurant recently so they may have one available at the location.  Here’s a link to their nutritional and allergen information.  Scroll to find the allergen information.  They advise alerting a manager to your needs.

9/18/15 NOTE by Diane:  I had dinner at the Bob Evans in Mayfield Heights.  They had a laminated GF menu.  Despite ordering from the GF menu and being very specific about my order, the meal served obviously contained gluten.  Be careful, as always.

Raisin Rack Gluten Free Sampling

Toni passed along an email from Denise at the Canton Raisin Rack:

Hi everyone, Just to let you know that Raisin Rack will be having GF samplings the 2nd Sat of the month begining July 14th thru Sep 8th. Different vendors each mo.  It will give you the opportunity to see the new expansion & remodel, a whopping 8000 sq. ft.! Hope to see you.

Cabin Club


Thanks, Michelle, for sharing your review of this restaurant:

Cabin Club
30651 Detroit Road Westlake, OH 44145

Server was extremely knowledgeable and if unsure about an ingredient, went immediately to kitchen to confirm. She also explained that my food would be prepared in a separate part of the kitchen and checked by the manager. There were two of the salad dressings that were gf, and all but one side were naturally gf-and that one (lobster mashed potatoes) could be made gf upon request. The food was excellent and well-prepared. A bit pricey, but well worth it. One of my better dining out experiences since being diagnosed with celiac last fall. I highly recommend this restaurant.

The restaurant does not have a gluten free menu. Have you tried it?  Please add a comment about your experience.