Fully Gluten Free

Columbus Area/Delaware OH


Last weekend my friends took a trip to Delaware, OH just for the heck of it. The temperatures for the weekend were going to be warmer than in the CLE. Seemed like a good reason to get out of town. They saw this market and very thoughtfully went in and grabbed me some goodies! The bakery was great! The website is chock full of information and suggestions so be sure to check it out before you go.

This calls for a ROADTRIP!

256 S. Sandusky St., Delaware, OH 43015

from the webpage……

At our bakehouse, we’re not your typical bakery – we’re a vibrant, busy hub dedicated to bringing you the freshest, most delicious gluten-free treats. We believe in quality, innovation, and a commitment to zero waste, all while serving our customers with passion and care.

Freshness Every Day – No Waste, No Compromise

Unlike the typical bakery schedule, we’re here for you every day, operating two shifts seven days a week to keep up with the demand of our loyal customers.

Our products are made fresh daily, and whatever doesn’t sell immediately goes to retail the same night.

Since we don’t have a bakery case, everything we make is offered fresh based on availability, so be sure to follow us on social media or give us a call for the latest updates.

We’re proud to say we’ve perfected the art of keeping things fresh – everything we make can be just as perfect out of the freezer as it is the moment it’s made.

DeLiberato’s Bakery



Our journey into the Gluten Free world started shortly after we were married in 2008.

Laurie was officially diagnosed with Celiac in 2009. Going gluten free has been a game changer in and for her health.

We operate as a Cottage Bakery, which means we bake and sell out of our own home, but have been in pursuit of a brick and mortar location, TBD.

All of our products are Gluten Free.

Since living with Celiac disease it has granted us the realities of living with food sensitivities. All of our tools and utensils are dedicated to the production of gf goodies.

Please check us out online at our website: www.deliberatosbakery.com or on facebook or instragram.