Restaurant List

Whatcha in the mood for? Use the search box to the left to find something nearby or your favorite gluten free cuisine.   Restaurants below are listed by location and whether or not they have a gluten free menu.

More information is available for each restaurant by clicking its link.

Have you eaten gluten free at any of these restaurants?  Please share by adding a comment on the restaurant’s page.

Have you eaten at a restaurant not on this list? Share your experience.


We offer this restaurant list as a guide to gluten free dining in the Cleveland area. We do NOT guarantee that any restaurant has staff either trained in or knowledgeable about the preparation, service or storage of gluten free foods as required by those diagnosed with Celiac Disease.

It is imperative to check preparation and ingredients closely with each restaurant’s staff.

Please refer to Gluten Free Dining Tips for additional information on eating gluten free in restaurants.

Here are links to other resources for finding restaurants that offer gluten free dining in the greater Cleveland area:
Find Me Gluten Free

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West of Cleveland

East of Cleveland

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Cleveland Downtown

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East of Cleveland

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Chefs And Catering

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