From Joan:
Chex Gluten Free Oatmeal is available at Marc’s – 2/$5.
Diane adds:
The packaging is labeled “gluten free” but the ingredient listing just says “whole grain oats”.
So, I was unsure whether pure gluten free oats were used in this product.
A statement on the company’s facebook page is reassuring:
The oats used for the oats & oatmeal products are sourced from a vertically integrated gluten free oat source. We also validate our cleaning and changeover methods at the plants for any system/line that will run a gluten free product. Ongoing verification gluten testing is performed at the finished product level. As such, any General Mills product that contains a “gluten free” claim meets the safety and regulatory definition of less than 20 ppm. While there are many “gluten free” certification bodies, General Mills’ standards meet and/or exceed the qualifications defined by these organizations. Therefore, you can be confident that our “gluten free” products are safe and meet global certification and regulatory standards.
Have you tried it? Have you seen it in other stores?
NOTE by Diane 9/30/15:
Gluten Free Chex Oatmeal has been discontinued.