Cafe Avaluan Fat Tuesday and St. Patrick’s Day Events

Check out the Cafe Avalaun webpage for the specialty offerings coming
up this month!!

FAT TUESDAY!! is this coming Tuesday, March 5th.

Gumbo, Beignets, PoBoy Sandwiches…….

Saint Patrick’s Day will host a the entire weekend, Mar 16 and 17 , of specials and you can place your orders now for pick up!

Offering:  Reuben sandwiches, Corned Beef Dinners and Irish Soda Bread

AND FINALLY ….. see their website for the Lenten Friday Fish Fry options!!

Let’s Go To Paris!

The 18th International Celiac Disease Symposium will be meeting in Paris in September.  And we’re going to be there.  And invite you to join us.

It’s your chance to hear about all the latest in Celiac Disease from an international pantheon of experts.

We had great fun and adventure in Prague at ICDS 2015.  After the meeting we sailed the Danube on a river cruise.

We’re in the preliminary stages of planning travel after the Paris meeting.  Perhaps a Seine river cruise?

Now’s the time to let us know if you have an interest in going to the meeting or traveling to France with us.  We look forward to your helping us organize the globe-trotting.



Gluten Intolerance Group

If you’ve not already been to the webpage for Gluten Intolerance Group check it out for the latest news on all things G-F!

This month the site features news on:
Gluten-Free Certified Halloween Treats
Gives you a look at the certifying process for the Certified G-F Logo
Provides a list of items that have achieved G-F certification
Shares the information about Freshly – the first certified fresh, prepared, meal delivery company
Includes a story about the first fully G-F food truck
Features – recipes, restaurants, and research for your G-F needs.

Celiac Conference November 10 Columbus Children’s Hospital

The 31st annual Celiac Conference will be held Saturday November 10, 2018 at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus Ohio.

Check-in begins at 8:30 a.m.  The first program begins at 9:00 a.m.  The programs end at 3 p.m.

There are separate sessions for children, teens and adults.  Speakers include Dr. Ivor Hill, Dietician Mary K. Sharrett, and Pharmacist Steve Plogsted.  A gluten free lunch is provided.

The cost is $45.  You must be pre-registered to attend.
Call the Community Education Dept. at 614-355-0589 or register online at: