2021 Options for Shopp’n!


Last year may have been the first time, for so many of us, that grocery shopping became a thing we did from our laptops, mobile phones, and tablets. Local grocers and retailers quickly transformed themselves to accommodate the need for these personalized services.

Following is a list of other options for grocery shopping that you might not have heard of before and which are transforming the landscape of variety, saving food from becoming waste and maybe even giving us a break on costs!

Check them out! If you give them a try please share your experience by posting comments to our page! Let us know what works! Let us know what doesn’t work! Share any you know about that are not listed here.


Check out Misfits Market for discounts on groceries. You choose your box size and box contents. The website also offers recipes, food storage tips, and suggestions for pantry items and more!


Check out Imperfect Foods for ‘food with character’. With a mission to deliver sustainable and affordable groceries the website offers ideas for meal planning, food preparation and storage tips. You shop, they deliver!


Year round access to local shopping supporting local farms with multiple locations for freshness, seasonal options, with ease of access.

“Because fresh local foods taste better and are more nutritious. The food is transported shorter distances, using fewer resources with less environmental impact. And buying truly local food directly benefits our Northeast Ohio farmers and builds the region’s economy”


Based in Oberlin with local area distribution sites for ease of pickup. Established and operating on a CSA model. You choose your size, Single or Family, and enjoy the surprises of your haul each week. Offering SNAP payment options and other OH subsidized financial assistance.

  • Sustainably-grown fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Tiered-pricing that everyone can afford
  • Week-to-week ordering – order for one week or 20. There’s no big upfront cost or long-term commitment!
  • Nutrition education – learn to eat seasonally with our weekly e-newsletter.
  • Reducing the distance from farm to feast – all our produce is grown within 75 miles of Cleveland.
  • Community building – our fresh stops are run by volunteers from your neighborhood, the perfect folks to get to know good food with!
  • Creating economic opportunities for local farmers!

More than Community Supported Agriculture, City Fresh’s social justice mission means agriculture supports community. Join us and make your meals meaningful.


Operating year round check out the website for Vendors List, Events, and Seasonal selections! This market also boasts access to No Wheat, No Worries gluten free bakery!

“The Coit Road Farmers’ Market has been an anchor on Cleveland’s east side since 1932, with a mission of providing access to affordable, locally grown farm fresh products to the residents of Greater Cleveland.  The non-profit Market is operated by volunteers supported by customers, farmers, sponsors and fund raising events.”


Miller Livestock is located in the northeastern corner of OH.

Meet us at various Cleveland locations every other Thursday (On the Rise/Cafe Avalaun/Aurelia) or find us at the Howland Farmer’s Market (see below) the 1st & 3rd Saturday of each month.

Pre-orders are required, average wait times vary depending on the time of year. Pick up directly from the processor or arrange for delivery.

Check out the website for the current list of items available.

Orders can be placed via: email: millergrassfed@aol.com or text: 330.307.1707

Payment is made at time of pickup via personal check.


Our market provides a bounty of farm fresh fruits and vegetables grown by local or regional growers, value added food made locally, and a selection of non-food items. Our market strives to meet the economic goals of participating vendors, the health needs of the local community, and long term sustainability of the land by creating a successful and sustainable market.

Farmers Market Value Statements:

  • Bring a variety of fresh locally-grown or locally-produced foods to the community.
  • Support a local food economy.
  • Promote sustainable agriculture.
  • Enhance local food literacy.
  • Celebrate the cultural flavors of the Mahoning Valley.
  • Create an enjoyable community experience

We Proudly Honor SNAP, PRODUCE PERKS, Produce Rx, WIC, and the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Programs

Contact info:

Farmers Market Manager – via phone at 330 856-3461 OR

via email at FarmersMarket@howlandtownship.org

Lavender Jones Macarons



412 Bacon Road
Painesville, Ohio 44077, USA 

100% gluten free facility.

Beautiful looking treats.

Taste even better than they look.

The rainbow variety of macarons each has a distinct flavor. They are crisp with a bit of a chew. Packaged for presentation.

The cinnamon roll had outstanding texture. Hard to believe it is gluten free.

They also sell a variety of other baked goods including cookies, cupcakes, bagels and rolls. Cakes are made to order.

Definitely worth a trip.

10/09/2021. Some pictures of my recent visit!

Quiche. Potato Pie. Pepperoni Roll.
Eclair, Cinnamon Roll, Apple Almond Bar, Lemon Tart