The Gluten Dude App: For a Better Gluten-free Life

“Eating out with celiac disease is stressful. The Gluten Dude app lists only restaurants that have been highly recommended and personally vetted, so you can spend less time worrying and more time enjoying yourself. “


!This limited time offer ends June 22!

BEECHER’S “World’s Best Mac & Cheese”

FOUND: Gluten free Beecher’s Mac & Cheese available in the frozen foods department at Heinen’s.

Instructions on the box include preparation for oven baking and microwaving. I chose to preheat the oven to 375, separate the frozen block from its package, transfer the frozen product to a pyrex baking dish, covered and baked 30 minutes. I did check it after 20 minutes and mixed it all up a bit to even out the heating, then allowed it to finish the last 10 minutes. The pasta was nicely al dente, cheesy and a bit spicy.



Check out the link to Akron’s Buckeye Brownie’s!

1/2 pound brownies, 2 gf flavors – MVP and Funfetti – You can see some of the other flavors that may be gf options in the future based on the traditional brownie flavors currently being offered.

Brownies are baked to order. Delivered to your door.

You can also see the complete ingredient list at the site along with the disclaimer that the kitchen is NOT a dedicated gluten free kitchen.

Always be your own advocate!



We are often asked to share details on the struggles of maintaining gluten free diet when traveling, dining out, shopping for gluten free foods. While we have some information pages at our website that you can look over this event can contribute to your bank of current knowledge, practices and concerns.

Check it out! Log on to the website, join GIG, and ask for the link to be sent to you via email.

News from GIG.

“We’re holding an event this May 3rd that will help answer the #1 question we’ve heard from many of you over the years:  How do I avoid cross-contact? If you – or someone you know – has wondered or worried about “getting glutened,” THIS is the GIG virtual event you don’t want to miss!  Staying Safely Gluten-Free: At Home and Beyond brings together three experts who understand the science behind getting glutened and the many ways that gluten can enter our foods, even as we look to avoid it.  Join us on May 3rd 2022 at 5pm PST/8pm EST for a dynamic and informative panel discussion during Celiac Disease Awareness Month.”

!!In this 1-hour session, you’ll learn: 

“You’ll come away from this session with greater insight into how to stay safely gluten-free no matter where you go. This event is part of our GIG Virtual Event series to help make life easier when you’re living gluten-free. 

  • What cross-contact means for someone living gluten-free. 
  • Ways to avoid cross-contact at home. 
  • Ways to watch out for cross-contact at a restaurant, dinner party, and more. 
  • How gluten exposure could happen, even when you’re careful. 
  • What to do when you think you’ve been “glutened.” 

 Our panelists bring decades of experience to this conversation. 

  • Dr. Joe Murray is a gastroenterologist from the Mayo Clinic. He will address the health and clinical aspects of inadvertent exposures to gluten, including how to know if it happened and what to do about it. 
  • Laura Allred, Ph.D. is the Gluten Intolerance Group’s GFCO regulatory expert. She will discuss how gluten can potentially get into foods at different points in the growing, production, and manufacturing cycle and how you can ensure that the packaged foods you consume are safely gluten-free. 
  • Ronni Alicia is a registered dietitian and a quality control manager at GIG/GFCO. She has extensive food service experience and will provide insights and guidance on how to stay safely gluten-free when eating at restaurants and other food service establishments. 

 The panel will be moderated by GIG’s Education Specialist,Lola O’Rourke, MS, RDN. “